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  1. Cocoon (18 Main St W )
  2. Cole's Florist Inc (147 Main Street East )
  3. Grimsby Florist (147 Main Street East )
  4. Kay's Flower Shop (60 Avenue Kerman )
  5. Krista's Orchids (380 Lake Street )
  6. Park Avenue Greenhouses (376 Lake Street )
  7. Plaza Flower Shop (60 Kerman Avenue )
  8. The Naked Stem (16 Kerman Ave ) - Florists's Supplies
  9. alkema greenhouses (229 Central AVE ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  10. cole's florist (147 Main ST E ) - Florists's Supplies
  11. jack verkade florist lmt (271 Kerman AVE ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  12. morningside greenhouses ( ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  13. vanderhout florist (213 Kelson AVE N ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  14. vangeest brothers ltd (9 Kerman AVE ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  15. westbrook floral (270 Hunter RD ) - Florists-Wholesalers

florist shops

  1. Cocoon (18 Main St W )
  2. Cole's Florist Inc (147 Main Street East )
  3. Grimsby Florist (147 Main Street East )
  4. Kay's Flower Shop (60 Avenue Kerman )
  5. Krista's Orchids (380 Lake Street )
  6. Park Avenue Greenhouses (376 Lake Street )
  7. Plaza Flower Shop (60 Kerman Avenue )
  8. The Naked Stem (16 Kerman Ave ) - Florists's Supplies
  9. alkema greenhouses (229 Central AVE ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  10. cole's florist (147 Main ST E ) - Florists's Supplies
  11. jack verkade florist lmt (271 Kerman AVE ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  12. morningside greenhouses ( ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  13. vanderhout florist (213 Kelson AVE N ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  14. vangeest brothers ltd (9 Kerman AVE ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  15. westbrook floral (270 Hunter RD ) - Florists-Wholesalers

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