meta image Privacy Policy
Version 15/08/2009

At we strive to bring flower businesses and Canadian consumers together, for their mutual benefit.

We recognize the importance of the privacy of our users, so we design our services with the goal of carefully safeguarding your information.

The following section expands on the types of personally identifying information that some users of our web portal provide in the floristPages network. "Personally identifying information" is information that individually identifies you, such as your name, physical address or email address.

    Data collection
  • The Local Search and Advanced Search functions do not require any types of personally identifying information from the users. A postal code or a street address is public information when it is not associated with a person's name, furthermore this information is only temporarily stored in our site to provide our users with a better browsing experience.
  • The florist and Florist section of the site requires basic location information for the establishment in question. This is also public information and as such does not represent personally identifying information for any particular individual associated with that establishment. For those establishments wishing to enrol in our premium subscription service, we do collect several items of Personally identifying information. This information is protected during the web transaction by ssl encryption, and hence is removed from our public network and stored back into our secure not-networked systems. In case a subscription is cancelled, we remove this information from all our systems (public and otherwise).
  • Upon your first visit to floristPages, a cookie is sent to your computer that uniquely identifies your browser. A "cookie" is a small file containing a string of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit a website. We use cookies to provide a better functionality for accessing our information and to create a better browsing experience for our users. We also use cookies for Florists' and florists' login to their administration suite where they can maintain their promotional information. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, some important features or services of our portal may not function properly without cookies.
    Information sharing
  • We do not rent or sell your personally identifying information to any other entity under any circumstances.
    Third party Information sharing
  • We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.
    Information security
  • We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. For this reason the personally identifying information of our premium subscribers is stored in a closed network that is inaccessible over the public internet. We also take steps to ensure that information posted on our portal by businesses or individuals is relevant to the purposes of this web portal.
    Updating your information
  • For premium subscribers sharing personally identifying information with us we provide secure mechanisms for updating and correcting this information. The secure mechanisms are in place for all other users of our portal as well.
    florist or Florist websites within floristPages
  • The promotional information available on the websites of subscribed Florists and florists hosted within floristPages, is the sole responsibility of the establishment in question. If some entity publishes information outside the allowable scope of this service, we will take appropriate measures to prevent this. The allowable scope of the information published on our network consists of information pertaining to the business activities of the florist or Florist in question, such as specials flyers, menus, contact information, hours of operation, description, picture slideshows of the establishment and so on. The information published by the users of this site, such as florist or store ratings, reviews, etc, are also scrutinized to prevent the posting of irrelevant comments or misleading reviews and profane language. These reviews represent the opinions of "anonymous" web surfers and are in no way associated with The content provided by users of this site, both business owners and anonymous web surfers, is the property of floristPages and will stay in the public domain for as long as floristPages deems it to be relevant to the objectives of this web portal.
Notice Like all other content on the floristPages network of florists and florist shops, floristPages reviews are copyrighted and may only be reprinted, redistributed or copied on other mediums where credit to the original source is clearly stated.

All reviews found on these pages are the opinions of the individual reviewers. floristPages provides a forum for these opinions and is not responsible for their content. floristPages/ owners wishing to respond to reviews, may do so after they sign in to their administration suite.

Also, keep in mind that your reviewers are opinionated, otherwise they would not write reviews. Communicating in a respectful manner with your patrons is the best policy.

Changes to this Policy

Please note this Privacy Policy will change from time to time. We expect most such changes to be minor, but there may be changes that are more significant. Regardless, we will post those changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will also provide a more prominent notice.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us.

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