Distance | florist name |
2.297km | TOUCH OF FLOWERS - FLORAL 9951 Williams Rd, Richmond, BC, V7A 1H3 (604-370-4588) (Map) | |
4.407km | Cathay Importers 2000 Limited - Wholesale 12631 Vulcan Way, Richmond, BC, V6V 1J7 (604-233-0050) (Map) |
120 UnVerified florists within 5 km. | ||
Distance | florist name | rating |
0m | Florist On The Fifth (只花知) - Flower Shop 8031 No. 5 Road, Richmond, BC, ((604) 303-9997) (Map) | |
26m | candy florist on the fifth - Florists's Supplies 8031 5 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6Y2V5 (604-303-9997) (Map) | |
1.227km | standard building maintenance - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 11540 King RD , Richmond, BC, V7A3B6 (604-275-7318) (Map) | |
1.869km | plantsman landscaping - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 6620 6 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6W1C8 (604-324-9303) (Map) | |
1.939km | indoor outdoor guy renovations - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 9271 6 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6W1E6 (604-277-5572) (Map) | |
1.964km | l & w landscaping - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 10648 WESTMINSTER HWY , Richmond, BC, V6X1B2 (604-273-5520) (Map) | |
2.277km | Touch of Flowers - Flower Shop 105-9951 Williams Rd, Richmond, BC, V7A 1H3 ((604) 370-4588) (Map) | |
2.280km | Janphil Flowers - 9951 Williams Road, Richmond, BC, V7A 1H3 () (Map) | |
2.280km | Fresh Touch Flowers And Produce - 9951 Williams Road, Richmond, BC, V6P 0B9 () (Map) | |
2.297km | fresh touch flowers & produce - Florists's Supplies 9951 Williams RD , Richmond, BC, V7A1H3 (604-284-5158) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
2.477km | Urban Value - 11380 Steveston Hwy, Richmond, BC, V7A 5J (604-447-7388) (Map) | |
2.526km | Richmond Country Farms - Farmers Market 12900 Steveston Hwy, Richmond, BC, V6W 1A3 ((604) 274-0522) (Map) | |
2.783km | today trading co ltd - Florists-Wholesalers 11191 HORSESHOE WAY , Richmond, BC, V7A4S5 (604-278-7318) (Map) | |
2.783km | terra plants & flowers - Florists's Supplies 11191 HORSESHOE WAY , Richmond, BC, V7A4S5 (1-800-787-0477) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
2.783km | Today Trading Company - 11191 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, BC, V7A 4S5 () (Map) | |
2.901km | Unique Silk - 11320 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, BC, V7A 4V5 () (Map) | |
3.176km | A To B Moving & Freight - 11871 Horseshoe Way, Richmond, BC, V7A 4V4 () (Map) | |
3.406km | Forget Me Not Floral Design - 8260 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC, V6X 3Y2 () (Map) | |
3.410km | forget-me-not floral design - Florists's Supplies 8260 WESTMINSTER HWY , Richmond, BC, V6X3Y2 (604-821-1338) (Map) | |
3.445km | bell - richmond centre - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 6551 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6Y2B6 (604-678-9059) (Map) | |
3.445km | Fruits & Passion - 6551 No. 3 Rd, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2B (604-276-0596) (Map) | |
3.462km | bell - richmond centre - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 6551 3 RD N, Richmond, BC, V6Y2B6 (604-278-2722) (Map) | |
3.462km | walden disposal & tractor - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 6551 3 RD N, Richmond, BC, V6Y2B6 (604-644-6410) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
3.535km | lulu island landscaping & yard maintenance - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 9531 Odlin RD , Richmond, BC, V6X1E1 (778-223-6687) (Map) | |
3.602km | Halfyard Designs - Flower Shop 3691 Bargen Drive, Richmond, BC, ((604) 812-3925) (Map) | |
3.602km | terre nature inc - Florists's Supplies , RICHMOND, BC, (819-340-1951) (Map) | |
3.609km | Kyla Flowers & Gifts - 8171 Ackroyd Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 3K1 () (Map) | |
3.630km | Unigifts Ltd - 13986 Cambie Rd, Richmond, BC, V6V 2K (604-370-6661) (Map) | |
3.632km | garden in garden's greenhouse ltd - Indoor Plant Stores 4080 6 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6V1P7 (604-233-2323) (Map) | |
3.658km | canada ocean maple enterprises ltd - Florists's Supplies 9780 CAMBIE RD , Richmond, BC, V6X1K4 (604-273-3900) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
3.663km | champlain florist - Florists's Supplies 8580 Alexandra RD , Richmond, BC, V6X4K6 (604-688-6355) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
3.706km | canada safeway limited - Florists's Supplies 10151 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V7A4R6 (604-271-8678) (Map) | |
3.717km | Fannie's Florist - 105 8460 Alexandra Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 3L4 () (Map) | |
3.734km | fannie's florist ltd - Florists's Supplies 8460 Alexandra RD , Richmond, BC, V6X3L4 (604-277-3927) (Map) | |
3.775km | cygnal technologies - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 3671 VIKING WAY , Richmond, BC, V6V2J5 (604-274-0745) (Map) | |
3.813km | House Of Cards - 10151 Number 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V7A 4R6 () (Map) | |
3.819km | Gazebo Gift Co - 6060 Minoru Blvd, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2V (604-278-9727) (Map) | |
3.870km | Discovery House Stores - 10251 St. Edwards Dr, Richmond, BC, V6X 2M (604-270-2533) (Map) | |
3.886km | Terra Plants and Flowers - Flower Shop 228-5300 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 2X9 ((604) 278-3921) (Map) | |
3.918km | big al's aquarium services - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 5335 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X2C7 (604-244-0700) (Map) | |
3.918km | all about gardening services - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 5335 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X2C7 (604-722-1777) (Map) | |
3.918km | bell - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 5335 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X2C7 (1-888-784-2606) (Map) | |
3.938km | elegant floral design - Florists's Supplies 5951 MINORU BLVD , Richmond, BC, V6Y1Y5 (604-370-3312) (Map) | |
3.986km | Discoveries Of Canada - 7551 Westminster Hwy, Richmond, BC, V6X 1A (604-273-7918) (Map) | |
4.016km | terra plants & flowers - Florists's Supplies 228 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X2X9 (604-278-3921) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
4.031km | bonanza building maintenance inc - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 8700 MCKIM WAY , Richmond, BC, V6X4E2 (604-231-0613) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
4.086km | elegance flowers - Florists-Wholesalers 8041 ALEXANDRA RD , Richmond, BC, V6X1C3 (604-821-9967) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
4.093km | pacific florists - Florists's Supplies 8888 ODLIN CRES , Richmond, BC, V6X1C9 (604-303-0673) (Map) | |
4.099km | Pacific Florist - Flower Shop 1370-8888 Odlin Cr., Richmond, BC, V6X 3Z8 ((604) 303-0673) (Map) | |
4.245km | Carbo Collections - 4311 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, BC, V6X 3L (604-270-8370) (Map) | |
4.248km | aca glass wholesale inc - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 5660 CEDARBRIDGE WAY , Richmond, BC, V6X2A3 (604-273-4199) (Map) | |
4.248km | western weed & tree care - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 5660 CEDARBRIDGE WAY , Richmond, BC, V6X2A3 (604-951-3500) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
4.264km | Redcraft Greetings - 2851 Simpson Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 2R2 () (Map) | |
4.274km | style florist - Florists's Supplies 125 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X4E8 (604-273-7513) (Map) | |
4.277km | repulse bay florist & gift shop - Florists's Supplies 2020 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X4E8 (604-284-5411) (Map) | |
4.280km | Le Petale Flowers & Gift Shop - 3779 Sexsmith Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 3Z9 () (Map) | |
4.300km | fantastic flowers & gifts - Florists's Supplies 4540 N 3 Rd, Richmond, BC, V6X3A6 (604-232-1023) (Map) | |
4.333km | lavender's flowers - Florists's Supplies 7031 WESTMINSTER HWY , Richmond, BC, V6X1A3 (604-278-4471) (Map) | |
4.341km | vanda florist - Florists's Supplies 4151 HAZELBRIDGE WAY , Richmond, BC, V6X4J7 (604-284-5220) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
4.341km | bell - aberdeen centre - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 4151 HAZELBRIDGE WAY , Richmond, BC, V6X4J7 (604-214-9988) (Map) | |
4.345km | Kam Ngai Orchid Trading - 4380 Number 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 3V7 () (Map) | |
4.352km | Lavender's Flowers - 7031 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC, V6X 1A3 () (Map) | |
4.374km | kam ngai florists - Florists's Supplies 3000 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X3C7 (604-231-8999) (Map) | |
4.402km | Vanda Florists - 1410 4151 Hazelbridge Way, Richmond, BC, V6X 4J7 () (Map) | |
4.402km | Artbox - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Unit 3690, Richmond, BC, V6X 0A4 () (Map) | |
4.417km | Dollarama - 9751 Bridgeport Rd, Richmond, BC, V6X 1S (604-233-1045) (Map) | |
4.422km | Menji Stationery - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Unit 3430, Richmond, BC, V6X 4J7 () (Map) | |
4.493km | IMROSE ATELIER - Flower Shop 4000 No.3 Road, Unit 2365, Richmond, BC, V6X 0J8 ((604) 314-8759) (Map) | |
4.549km | Giwangi Flowers & Gifts - 8181 Cambie Road, Richmond, BC, V6X 3X9 () (Map) | |
4.603km | pacific wholesale appliances - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 2451 VAUXHALL PL , Richmond, BC, V6V1Z5 (604-270-2450) (Map) | |
4.603km | stone-hedge landscape services - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 2451 VAUXHALL PL , Richmond, BC, V6V1Z5 (250-667-5268) (Map) | |
4.603km | vancouver island outdoor maintenance - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 2451 VAUXHALL PL , Richmond, BC, V6V1Z5 (250-739-9273) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
4.637km | costco wholesale - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 9151 Bridgeport RD , Richmond, BC, V6X3L9 (604-270-3647) (Map) | |
4.652km | Character House Enterprise Ltd - 3700 No. 3 Rd, Richmond, BC, V6X 3X (604-231-8139) (Map) | |
4.670km | scenery plants - Indoor Plant Stores 3899 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X3X2 (613-838-4792) (Map) | |
4.701km | national tire wholesale - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 7447 River RD , Delta, BC, V4G1B9 (604-946-5681) (Map) | |
4.719km | canada safeway limited - Florists's Supplies 6140 Blundell RD , Richmond, BC, V7C4W7 (604-274-7244) (Map) | |
4.723km | richmond nursery inc - Indoor Plant Stores 3440 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X2B8 (613-838-2282) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
4.755km | Id Solutions West - 186 8120 Number 2 Road, Richmond, BC, V7C 5J8 () (Map) | |
5.009km | richmond wholesale appliance centre - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 6191 WESTMINSTER HWY , Richmond, BC, V7C4V4 (604-303-1110) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
5.049km | custom floral express - Florists-Wholesalers 8331 River RD , Richmond, BC, V6X1Y1 (604-244-5924) (Map) | |
5.119km | june jasmin florist - Florists's Supplies 2505 3 RD NO, Richmond, BC, V6X1T9 (604-279-8535) (Map) | |
5.261km | sierra stone vancouver - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 120 7350 72 St, Delta, BC, V4G1H9 (604-952-0505) (Map) | |
5.385km | Discovery House - 3500 Cessna Dr, Richmond, BC, V7B 1C (604-273-9989) (Map) | |
5.683km | Roa Floral Designs - 120 618 East Kent Avenue South, Vancouver, BC, V5X 0B1 () (Map) | |
5.804km | bloomex inc - Florists's Supplies 366 KENT AVE SOUTH E, Vancouver, BC, V5X4K8 (604-325-3066) (Map) | Poor [1.0] |
5.815km | Briers - 418 Kent Ave South E, Vancouver, BC, V5X 2X (604-730-0379) (Map) | |
5.840km | West Coast Gifts Inc - 538 Kent Ave South E, Vancouver, BC, V5X 4V (604-438-4323) (Map) | |
5.926km | Garlands Florist - 9019 Shaughnessy Street, Vancouver, BC, V6P 6R9 () (Map) | |
5.931km | Collins Educational Supplies - 8358 St George Street, Vancouver, BC, V5X 3S7 () (Map) | |
5.988km | coast wholesale appliances lp - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 8488 Main ST , Vancouver, BC, V5X4W8 (604-321-6782) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
6.081km | reel silks - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements 8250 Fraser ST , Vancouver, BC, V5X3X6 (604-322-5707) (Map) | |
6.111km | niki trading - Florists-Wholesalers 8265 Main ST , Vancouver, BC, V5X3L7 (604-321-8690) (Map) | |
6.111km | flower market - Florists's Supplies 8265 Main ST , Vancouver, BC, V5X3L7 (604-327-7908) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
6.151km | ratana home and floral - Florists-Wholesalers 8310 Manitoba ST , Vancouver, BC, V5X3A5 (604-321-6776) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
6.260km | Koncha Media Ltd - 1238 Marine Dr SE, Vancouver, BC, V5X 2V (604-255-2901) (Map) | |
6.308km | London Farm Historic Site - 6511 Dyke Rd, Richmond, BC, V7E 3R (604-271-5220) (Map) | |
6.669km | Green & Green - 1576 Rand Ave, Vancouver, BC, V6P 3G (604-689-5027) (Map) | |
6.741km | stem n leaf landscape maintenance - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 8675 French ST , Vancouver, BC, V6P4W5 (778-320-4984) (Map) | |
6.876km | I'll Know It When I See It - 8623 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6P 5A2 () (Map) | |
6.920km | danny market & repairs ltd - Florists's Supplies 8564 Granville ST , Vancouver, BC, V6P4Z7 (604-261-8715) (Map) | |
6.942km | canada safeway limited - Florists's Supplies 8555 Granville ST , Vancouver, BC, V6P4Z9 (604-263-2635) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
6.976km | Sunlight Flowers - Flower Shop 8564 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6P 4Z7 ((604) 261-8715) (Map) | |
7.070km | Flowers on 57th - 1376 57th Ave E, Vancouver, BC, V5X 1V (604-321-1692) (Map) | |
7.077km | Evvie & Olive Floral Design - Flower Shop 8558 Cornish St, Vancouver, BC, V6P 5B8 ((604) 620-8886) (Map) | |
7.113km | Marina's Flowers - 8373 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC, V6P 4Z8 () (Map) | |
7.242km | Sonia's Flowers - 5085 48 Ave, Delta, BC, V4K 1W (778-885-8684) (Map) | |
7.265km | The Upstart Crow Arts & Crafts - 5064 48 Ave, Delta, BC, V4K 1V (604-940-1155) (Map) | |
7.266km | ladner village floral & gifts - Florists's Supplies 5050 48 AVE , Delta, BC, V4K1V8 (604-946-8018) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
7.274km | canada safeway limited - Florists's Supplies 5275 48 AVE , Delta, BC, V4K1W7 (604-940-0051) (Map) | |
7.283km | Ladner Village Floral - 5050 48th Avenue, Delta, BC, V4K 1V8 () (Map) | |
7.285km | Fancy This Gift - 5209 Ladner Trunk Rd, Delta, BC, V4K 1W (604-940-1812) (Map) | |
7.286km | Rembrandt's - 5217 Ladner Trunk Rd, Delta, BC, V4K 1W (604-940-9550) (Map) | |
7.384km | Greenhills Florist & Gift Shop - 7105 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC, V5P 3Y9 () (Map) | |
7.390km | greenhills florist & gift shop - Florists's Supplies 7105 Victoria DR , Vancouver, BC, V5P3Y9 (604-325-9394) (Map) | |
7.433km | enchanted florists - Florists's Supplies 8055 Granville ST , Vancouver, BC, V6P4Z5 (604-738-8958) (Map) | |
7.433km | Enchanted Florist - Flower Shop 8055 Granville St, Vancouver, BC, V6P 4Z5 ((604) 738-8958) (Map) | |
8.083km | harris nursery & florist - Florists's Supplies 6508 Ladner Trunk RD , Delta, BC, V4K3N3 (604-946-5986) (Map) | Very Good [3.8] |
8.084km | Harris Nursery & Florist - 6508 Ladner Trunk Road, Delta, BC, V4K 3N3 () (Map) | |
8.251km | ladner lawntec ltd - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers 6690 Ladner Trunk RD , Delta, BC, V4G1K2 (604-952-1510) (Map) |
Contact us