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12 Search Results: View these florists on a Map
12 UnVerified florists within 5 km.
Distance florist name rating
0mBrentwood Florist & Garden Shop -
7111 West Saanich Road, Brentwood Bay, BC, V8M 1P7 () (Map)

199mPetals N Buds Saanich Florist -
2 7159c West Saanich Road, Brentwood Bay, BC, V8M 1P7 () (Map)

281mPetals N Buds Brentwood Bay Florist -
7175 West Saanich Road, Brentwood Bay, BC, V8M 1P7 () (Map)

861mEurosa Gardens -
1304 Greig Avenue, Brentwood Bay, BC, V8M 1J6 () (Map)

966meurosa gardens ltd - Florists-Wholesalers
1304 Greig AVE , Brentwood Bay, BC, V8M1J6 (250-652-5812) (Map)

2.105kmVanilla Blossom -
6809 Kirkpatrick Cres, Saanichton, BC, V8M 1Z (778-351-0299) (Map)

3.151kmhedgehog garden service - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers
6342 Oldfield RD , Saanichton, BC, V8M1X8 (250-380-8105) (Map)

Excellent [5.0]
(3 votes)

3.902kmvantreight farms - Florists-Wholesalers
8277 SAANICH RD E, Saanichton, BC, V8M1T7 (250-652-7777) (Map)

4.958kmlochside nursery - Indoor Plant Stores
2716 Dooley RD , Victoria, BC, V8Y1R7 (250-544-3100) (Map)

5.509kmauthentic landscaping - Indoor Plant Maintenance & Wholesalers
5451 Saanich RD W, Victoria, BC, V9E1J9 (250-661-0772) (Map)

6.011kmvan isle floral wholesale ltd - Florists-Wholesalers
5471 Hamsterly RD , Victoria, BC, V8Y1T1 (250-658-1778) (Map)

7.241kmHDS Retail -
1640 Electra Blvd, North Saanich, BC, V8L 5V (250-656-0817) (Map)

12 florists found

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These are 12 unverified florists. Give them a call before you go!

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