4 UnVerified florists within 5 km. | ||
Distance | florist name | rating |
0m | a sea of bloom floral designs - Florists's Supplies 6653 Sooke Rd, Sooke, BC, V9Z0A1 (250-642-3952) (Map) | |
85m | sooke flower house - Florists's Supplies 6626 Sooke Rd, Sooke, BC, V9Z0W7 (250-642-2422) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
85m | flowers to you - Florists & Flower Shops 6626 Sooke Rd, Sooke, BC, V9Z0W7 (250-360-1810) (Map) | Excellent [5.0] |
105m | The Flower House - 6626 Sooke Road, Sooke, BC, V9Z 0A4 () (Map) |
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