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10 Search Results: View these florists on a Map
10 UnVerified florists within 5 km.
Distance florist name rating
0mnorthsyde processing ltd - Florists-Wholesalers
139 QUEEN ST , North Sydney, NS, B2A1B1 (902-794-8501) (Map)

1.109kmm v osprey ltd - Florists-Wholesalers
355 Purves ST , North Sydney, NS, B2A3V2 (902-794-1600) (Map)

1.137kmLotherington's Flowers & Gifts Ltd - Florists-Wholesalers
6 Fraser Rd, North Sydney, NS, B1S2M1 (902-736-6625) (Map)

1.846kmgillis seafoods - Florists-Wholesalers
48 Memorial DR , North Sydney, NS, B2A3C5 (902-794-7426) (Map)

4.196kmNorthside Trophies & Gifts -
1145 Main St, Sydney Mines, NS, B1V 2M (902-736-3009) (Map)

4.421kmGoodwin's Nurseries -
13 Brown Street, Sydney Mines, NS, B1V 1E7 () (Map)

4.601kmearl's greenhouses - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
429 Seaview DR , North Sydney, NS, B2A3N7 (902-794-4146) (Map)

5.900kmmaccabees fisheries limited - Florists-Wholesalers
205 Ocean ST , Sydney Mines, NS, B1V1Y1 (902-736-2921) (Map)

8.624kmCape Breton Curiosity Shop -
296 Charlotte St, Sydney, NS, B1P 1C (902-564-4660) (Map)

8.650kmstott aluminum - Florists-Wholesalers
137 Pitt ST , Sydney, NS, B1P5X8 (902-562-5591) (Map)

10 florists found

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These are 10 unverified florists. Give them a call before you go!

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