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  1. Country Heart Flowers (35 Stanley Street )
  2. Green Goose (25 Main St W )
  3. anna's flowers (1911 Seacliff DR ) - Planters & Garden Pots
  4. erieview acres (1930 Seacliff DR ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  5. flower fashions (13 King ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  6. green valley garden centre (2025 Talbot RD ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Manufacturers & Wholesalers
  7. new designs (19 Main ST E ) - Florists's Supplies

florist shops

  1. Country Heart Flowers (35 Stanley Street )
  2. Green Goose (25 Main St W )
  3. anna's flowers (1911 Seacliff DR ) - Planters & Garden Pots
  4. erieview acres (1930 Seacliff DR ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  5. flower fashions (13 King ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  6. green valley garden centre (2025 Talbot RD ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Manufacturers & Wholesalers
  7. new designs (19 Main ST E ) - Florists's Supplies

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