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  1. 19 Melrose Flower Studio (19 Melrose Ave ) - Florists's Supplies
  2. Abel Kort Painter (9 Marwendy Drive )
  3. Apryl Showers (4 Essa Road )
  4. Barrie Flower (282 Dunlop St W ) - Flower Shop
  5. Bell Book and Candle Book (133 Dunlop St E )
  6. Blossom's Flower & Gift Studio (2 Marsellus Dr. Unit 11 ) - Flower Shop
  7. Boots Creative (153 Dunlop Street East )
  8. Brook's Flowers (81 Vespra Street )
  9. Celebration Station (36 Bayfield Street )
  10. Chasing Petals Flowers (110 Anne Street South )
  11. City Florist (274 Avenue Burton )
  12. City Scene We Deliver Happiness (9 Marwendy Drive )
  13. English & Miller (89 Dunlop St E )
  14. Fendley Flowers (4 Alliance Boulevard )
  15. Fendley's Flowers (371 Mapleview Drive West )
  16. Flowerchild (360 Bayfield Street )
  17. Flowers & pine world (25 Hart Drive, Unit 4 ) - Flower Shop
  18. Flowers By Design (411 Huronia Road )
  19. Flowers and Pine World (25 Hart Dr )
  20. Gift Box Gourmet (58 Dunnett Dr )
  21. Green Earth Environmental Products (509 Bayfield St )
  22. Horseshoe Valley Trading Company (2093 Horseshoe Valley W )
  23. Lucky's Flowers (371 Mapleview Drive West )
  24. Nature's Best (7 Glenwood Dr )
  25. Nineteen Melrose Flower Studio (19 Melrose Avenue )
  26. Our House (55 Dunlop St E )
  27. Our Town Flowers (17 Bayfield Street )
  28. Passionflowers On Yonge (564 Yonge Street )
  29. Petals & Pollen Florist (75 Barrie View Drive )
  30. Players Greeting Cards & Restaurant (20 Dunlop Street East )
  31. Showcase (509 Bayfield St )
  32. Showcase (320 Bayfield St )
  33. Simple Wishes (192 Napier Street )
  34. Soul Talk (301 Bryne Drive )
  35. Spencer Gifts (509 Bayfield St )
  36. The Flower Place (51 McNeill Rd )
  37. The Flower Place (7 Glenwood Dr )
  38. Tina's Diaper Gifts (41 Catherine Dr )
  39. a flower shop ( ) - Florists's Supplies
  40. barrie floral design (181 Livingstone ST E ) - Florists's Supplies
  41. barrie flowers (649 Yonge ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  42. blossoms flower & gift studio (2 Marsellus DR ) - Florists's Supplies
  43. bradford greenhouses-garden gallery (4346 90 HWY ) - Florists's Supplies
  44. calla floral design & decor (15 Thrushwood DR ) - Florists's Supplies
  45. chasing petals (110 Anne ST S ) - Florists's Supplies
  46. city florist ltd (274 Burton AVE ) - Florists's Supplies
  47. cottage rose (181 Livingstone ST E ) - Florists's Supplies
  48. edible arrangements (7 Anne ST S ) - Florists's Supplies
  49. fendley flowers3-4 alliance bl (4 ALLIANCE BLVD ) - Florists's Supplies
  50. fendley's flowers (371 Mapleview DR W ) - Florists's Supplies
  51. four seasons florists (110 Anne ST S ) - Florists's Supplies
  52. joshua's greenery (35 Dunlop ST E ) - Florists's Supplies
  53. kempenfelt flowers (157 Bayfield ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  54. lucky's flowers ltd (371 Mapleview DR W ) - Florists's Supplies

florist shops

  1. 19 Melrose Flower Studio (19 Melrose Ave ) - Florists's Supplies
  2. Abel Kort Painter (9 Marwendy Drive )
  3. Apryl Showers (4 Essa Road )
  4. Barrie Flower (282 Dunlop St W ) - Flower Shop
  5. Bell Book and Candle Book (133 Dunlop St E )
  6. Blossom's Flower & Gift Studio (2 Marsellus Dr. Unit 11 ) - Flower Shop
  7. Boots Creative (153 Dunlop Street East )
  8. Brook's Flowers (81 Vespra Street )
  9. Celebration Station (36 Bayfield Street )
  10. Chasing Petals Flowers (110 Anne Street South )
  11. City Florist (274 Avenue Burton )
  12. City Scene We Deliver Happiness (9 Marwendy Drive )
  13. English & Miller (89 Dunlop St E )
  14. Fendley Flowers (4 Alliance Boulevard )
  15. Fendley's Flowers (371 Mapleview Drive West )
  16. Flowerchild (360 Bayfield Street )
  17. Flowers & pine world (25 Hart Drive, Unit 4 ) - Flower Shop
  18. Flowers By Design (411 Huronia Road )
  19. Flowers and Pine World (25 Hart Dr )
  20. Gift Box Gourmet (58 Dunnett Dr )
  21. Green Earth Environmental Products (509 Bayfield St )
  22. Horseshoe Valley Trading Company (2093 Horseshoe Valley W )
  23. Lucky's Flowers (371 Mapleview Drive West )
  24. Nature's Best (7 Glenwood Dr )
  25. Nineteen Melrose Flower Studio (19 Melrose Avenue )
  26. Our House (55 Dunlop St E )
  27. Our Town Flowers (17 Bayfield Street )
  28. Passionflowers On Yonge (564 Yonge Street )
  29. Petals & Pollen Florist (75 Barrie View Drive )
  30. Players Greeting Cards & Restaurant (20 Dunlop Street East )
  31. Showcase (509 Bayfield St )
  32. Showcase (320 Bayfield St )
  33. Simple Wishes (192 Napier Street )
  34. Soul Talk (301 Bryne Drive )
  35. Spencer Gifts (509 Bayfield St )
  36. The Flower Place (51 McNeill Rd )
  37. The Flower Place (7 Glenwood Dr )
  38. Tina's Diaper Gifts (41 Catherine Dr )
  39. a flower shop ( ) - Florists's Supplies
  40. barrie floral design (181 Livingstone ST E ) - Florists's Supplies
  41. barrie flowers (649 Yonge ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  42. blossoms flower & gift studio (2 Marsellus DR ) - Florists's Supplies
  43. bradford greenhouses-garden gallery (4346 90 HWY ) - Florists's Supplies
  44. calla floral design & decor (15 Thrushwood DR ) - Florists's Supplies
  45. chasing petals (110 Anne ST S ) - Florists's Supplies
  46. city florist ltd (274 Burton AVE ) - Florists's Supplies
  47. cottage rose (181 Livingstone ST E ) - Florists's Supplies
  48. edible arrangements (7 Anne ST S ) - Florists's Supplies
  49. fendley flowers3-4 alliance bl (4 ALLIANCE BLVD ) - Florists's Supplies
  50. fendley's flowers (371 Mapleview DR W ) - Florists's Supplies
  51. four seasons florists (110 Anne ST S ) - Florists's Supplies
  52. joshua's greenery (35 Dunlop ST E ) - Florists's Supplies
  53. kempenfelt flowers (157 Bayfield ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  54. lucky's flowers ltd (371 Mapleview DR W ) - Florists's Supplies

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