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  1. Abytal Gift Shop (165 Hector Gate )
  2. Amos Pewter (1751 Lower Water St )
  3. Atlantic Gardens & Greenery Florist (1239 Bedford Highway )
  4. Attica Furnishings (1566 Barrington St )
  5. Avon Valley Floral (170 Joseph Zatzman Drive )
  6. Blossom Shops (1949 Upper Water St ) - Florists's Supplies
  7. Blossoms Fresh Fruit (590 Portland St )
  8. Bogside Gallery (5527 Young St )
  9. Bowring (477 Cobequid Rd )
  10. Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (1055 Marginal Rd )
  11. Charles & Vern's Flower Salon (6172 Quinpool Road )
  12. Comfort & Joy (1595 Bedford Hwy )
  13. Criteria Bedazzled (1475 Lower Water St )
  14. Dean's Flowers (6025 Stanley Street )
  15. Dim Designs (380 Bedford Highway )
  16. Double Happiness Designs (1209 Marginal Road Halifax Seaport Farmers Market )
  17. Drala Books And Gifts (1567 Grafton St )
  18. Duly Noted Stationery (104 5431 Doyle Street )
  19. East Cuts Wholesale (101 Ilsley Avenue )
  20. Firefly Fashions & Styles (5307 Spring Garden Rd )
  21. Flower Garden Florist (20 Rosedale Avenue )
  22. Freak Lunchbox (1595 Bedford Hwy )
  23. Greenery Florists (6224 Quinpool Rd )
  24. Greenery Florists (19 Donovon Dr )
  25. Halifax Seed (5860 Kane St near btw Robie St & Agricola St) - Flower Shop
  26. In A Box By Pam & Lezlie (1468 Dresden Row )
  27. Inkwell Modern Handmade Boutique & Letterpress Studio Inc (1658 Market St )
  28. Irises Flowers (1534 Queen Street ) - Flower Shop
  29. Island Beach Co (1655 Lower Water St )
  30. Island Beach Company (1658 Market St )
  31. Jennifer's Of Nova Scotia (5635 Spring Garden Rd )
  32. Maps and More (1601 Lower Water )
  33. Marine Heritage Store Souviner (1675 Lower Water St )
  34. Miracles Christian Store (120 Susie Lake Cres )
  35. My Mother's Bloomers (2086 Creighton Street )
  36. Natures Cove General Store (364 Bedford Hwy )
  37. Nur East Gifts (6050 Almon St )
  38. P'Lovers Environmental Store (1445 South Park St )
  39. Petals By Design (8 Oland Crescent )
  40. Pilcher's Flowers (2778 Windsor St )
  41. Props Floral Design (1664 Granville St. ) - Flower Shop
  42. Silverstone Jewellery (5527 Young St )
  43. Sou'Wester Gift & Restaurant Ltd (13578 Peggys Cove Rd )
  44. Stokes (7001 Mumford Rd )
  45. Stokes (21 Micmac Blvd )
  46. Sweet Jane's Gifts & Confectionery (5431 Doyle St )
  47. Tattletales Books Ltd (569 Portland St )
  48. Teachers Pet Classroom Supplies (95 Akerley Boulevard )
  49. The Fruit Basket (6224 Quinpool Rd )
  50. The Ikebana Shop (6417 Quinpool Rd )
  51. advanced screen printing embroidery & promotions (3667 Strawberry Hill ST ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Manufacturers & Wholesalers
  52. anne's flowers (1 DARTMOUTH ) - Florists's Supplies
  53. barrington florist (1505 Barrington ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  54. bloom greenhouse & garden (1421 Hammonds Plains Rd ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  55. bloominflowers steve's (249 Herring Cove RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  56. carrier home improvements (13 Scarfe Ct ) - Flower Arranging & Floral Design Courses
  57. charles & vern's flower salon (20 Rosedale AVE ) - Florists's Supplies
  58. crabapple cottage floral and gifts (1590 St Margaret's Bay RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  59. dean's flowers (6025 Stanley ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  60. edible arrangements (278 Lacewood DR near Dunbrack St.) - Florists's Supplies
  61. farmer clem's (389 BEDFORD HWY ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  62. farmer clem's (590 Portland ST ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  63. flower trends florists (6241 QUINPOOL RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  64. gallant interior plants (1 Halifax NS ) - Indoor Plant Stores
  65. goody baskets limited (6025 Stanley ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  66. halifax seed company inc (5860 Kane ST ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  67. heirloom roses (161 Pockwock Rd ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  68. inglis flower world (5396 Inglis ST ) - Indoor Plant Stores
  69. irises flowers ltd (1534 Queen ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  70. jentronics limited ( ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  71. lawrence town garden (2032 Lawrencetown Rd ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  72. macarthur's quality flowers & plants inc. (4 Halifax NS E1A ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  73. my mother's bloomers (5640 Spring Garden RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  74. pilcher's flowers (2778 Windsor ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  75. plant care (1 Halifax NS ) - Indoor Plant Stores
  76. plants alive-ramsay & brown (1 Halifax NS ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Manufacturers & Wholesalers
  77. props floral design inc (1664 Granville ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  78. pt health (5788 University AVE ) - Flower Arranging & Floral Design Courses
  79. robert bury & co (canada) ltd (1 Dartmouth ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  80. rosedale flowers (6025 Stanley ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  81. select roses flower shops (1 DARTMOUTH ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  82. sobeys flower shop (1120 Queen ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  83. sobeys flower shop (6990 Mumford RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  84. the flower shop (1887 Granville ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  85. the plant guy (1 Halifax NS ) - Indoor Plant Stores

florist shops

  1. Abytal Gift Shop (165 Hector Gate )
  2. Amos Pewter (1751 Lower Water St )
  3. Atlantic Gardens & Greenery Florist (1239 Bedford Highway )
  4. Attica Furnishings (1566 Barrington St )
  5. Avon Valley Floral (170 Joseph Zatzman Drive )
  6. Blossom Shops (1949 Upper Water St ) - Florists's Supplies
  7. Blossoms Fresh Fruit (590 Portland St )
  8. Bogside Gallery (5527 Young St )
  9. Bowring (477 Cobequid Rd )
  10. Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 (1055 Marginal Rd )
  11. Charles & Vern's Flower Salon (6172 Quinpool Road )
  12. Comfort & Joy (1595 Bedford Hwy )
  13. Criteria Bedazzled (1475 Lower Water St )
  14. Dean's Flowers (6025 Stanley Street )
  15. Dim Designs (380 Bedford Highway )
  16. Double Happiness Designs (1209 Marginal Road Halifax Seaport Farmers Market )
  17. Drala Books And Gifts (1567 Grafton St )
  18. Duly Noted Stationery (104 5431 Doyle Street )
  19. East Cuts Wholesale (101 Ilsley Avenue )
  20. Firefly Fashions & Styles (5307 Spring Garden Rd )
  21. Flower Garden Florist (20 Rosedale Avenue )
  22. Freak Lunchbox (1595 Bedford Hwy )
  23. Greenery Florists (6224 Quinpool Rd )
  24. Greenery Florists (19 Donovon Dr )
  25. Halifax Seed (5860 Kane St near btw Robie St & Agricola St) - Flower Shop
  26. In A Box By Pam & Lezlie (1468 Dresden Row )
  27. Inkwell Modern Handmade Boutique & Letterpress Studio Inc (1658 Market St )
  28. Irises Flowers (1534 Queen Street ) - Flower Shop
  29. Island Beach Co (1655 Lower Water St )
  30. Island Beach Company (1658 Market St )
  31. Jennifer's Of Nova Scotia (5635 Spring Garden Rd )
  32. Maps and More (1601 Lower Water )
  33. Marine Heritage Store Souviner (1675 Lower Water St )
  34. Miracles Christian Store (120 Susie Lake Cres )
  35. My Mother's Bloomers (2086 Creighton Street )
  36. Natures Cove General Store (364 Bedford Hwy )
  37. Nur East Gifts (6050 Almon St )
  38. P'Lovers Environmental Store (1445 South Park St )
  39. Petals By Design (8 Oland Crescent )
  40. Pilcher's Flowers (2778 Windsor St )
  41. Props Floral Design (1664 Granville St. ) - Flower Shop
  42. Silverstone Jewellery (5527 Young St )
  43. Sou'Wester Gift & Restaurant Ltd (13578 Peggys Cove Rd )
  44. Stokes (7001 Mumford Rd )
  45. Stokes (21 Micmac Blvd )
  46. Sweet Jane's Gifts & Confectionery (5431 Doyle St )
  47. Tattletales Books Ltd (569 Portland St )
  48. Teachers Pet Classroom Supplies (95 Akerley Boulevard )
  49. The Fruit Basket (6224 Quinpool Rd )
  50. The Ikebana Shop (6417 Quinpool Rd )
  51. advanced screen printing embroidery & promotions (3667 Strawberry Hill ST ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Manufacturers & Wholesalers
  52. anne's flowers (1 DARTMOUTH ) - Florists's Supplies
  53. barrington florist (1505 Barrington ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  54. bloom greenhouse & garden (1421 Hammonds Plains Rd ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  55. bloominflowers steve's (249 Herring Cove RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  56. carrier home improvements (13 Scarfe Ct ) - Flower Arranging & Floral Design Courses
  57. charles & vern's flower salon (20 Rosedale AVE ) - Florists's Supplies
  58. crabapple cottage floral and gifts (1590 St Margaret's Bay RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  59. dean's flowers (6025 Stanley ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  60. edible arrangements (278 Lacewood DR near Dunbrack St.) - Florists's Supplies
  61. farmer clem's (389 BEDFORD HWY ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  62. farmer clem's (590 Portland ST ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  63. flower trends florists (6241 QUINPOOL RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  64. gallant interior plants (1 Halifax NS ) - Indoor Plant Stores
  65. goody baskets limited (6025 Stanley ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  66. halifax seed company inc (5860 Kane ST ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  67. heirloom roses (161 Pockwock Rd ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  68. inglis flower world (5396 Inglis ST ) - Indoor Plant Stores
  69. irises flowers ltd (1534 Queen ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  70. jentronics limited ( ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  71. lawrence town garden (2032 Lawrencetown Rd ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  72. macarthur's quality flowers & plants inc. (4 Halifax NS E1A ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  73. my mother's bloomers (5640 Spring Garden RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  74. pilcher's flowers (2778 Windsor ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  75. plant care (1 Halifax NS ) - Indoor Plant Stores
  76. plants alive-ramsay & brown (1 Halifax NS ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Manufacturers & Wholesalers
  77. props floral design inc (1664 Granville ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  78. pt health (5788 University AVE ) - Flower Arranging & Floral Design Courses
  79. robert bury & co (canada) ltd (1 Dartmouth ) - Florists-Wholesalers
  80. rosedale flowers (6025 Stanley ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  81. select roses flower shops (1 DARTMOUTH ) - Artificial Flower & Plant Arrangements
  82. sobeys flower shop (1120 Queen ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  83. sobeys flower shop (6990 Mumford RD ) - Florists's Supplies
  84. the flower shop (1887 Granville ST ) - Florists's Supplies
  85. the plant guy (1 Halifax NS ) - Indoor Plant Stores

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